her car and moving down the street.

Panic struck me as I realized that Debbie was not going to give me any sympathy and help me out of my predicament. Here I was, sitting on the grass in front of my home, in the late but still daylight hours and.. dressed in a girl's dress, petticoat, slip, bra, panties and shoes. And girl's makeup besides!

I had to hide, I thought. Sally and Sandra must not see me. If I could only sneak into the house and get to my room. ., sure, that would do it. if I could just get to my room. It would be simple. I could quickly switch clothes and take the makeup off. ridiculous bit of cockiness was back.

I had already made it to my room!

Suddenly a

It was as though

I quickly picked myself up and minced toward the side of the house. The plan was to go in the back way, slip through the kitchen, up the stairs and into my


As I moved along I was terrorized by the further thought that the neighbors might have seen what had already transpired. If they had, all of the efforts of the next few minutes--even if I made it--might be in vain. I tossed off this terror to concentrate on the im- mediate problem.

I had reached the

I slipped under each window as I went along the side of the house. So far so good. back corner of the house.

There were a few

We had a large yard in back. trees, lovely grass and a number of pieces of furniture on the lawn. The back door was perhaps 20 feet from the corner of the house.

I listened carefully to see if anyone was in the kit- chen. Then I quickly glanced around the yard. It did- n't look or sound like there was anyone in the vicinity. Joy filled my heart as I optimistically thought, "Golly, maybe everyone is out for the afternoon.

I was encouraged and moved forward toward the
